miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Treehouse of Horror III

You can watch this episode by clicking on this website

This episode starts by showing a carved pumpkin which is called Jack-o’lantern  and is usually made at Halloween.  The origin of carving pumpkins dates back some centuries and it is related to the story of an Irish man nicknamed ‘Stingy Jack’.

According to the story, Stingy Jack and the Devil were having a drink but Jack did not want to pay for it, so he asked the Devil to turn into a coin to pay. Once they had tricked the barman Jack decided to keep the money so he placed the coin next to a silver cross in order to avoid the Devil returning to its original form.
At some point, the Devil got hungry and Jack accepted to feed him on the condition that he would not bother Jack for a year and that he would not claim his soul after his death. After the year had passed, the Devil was tricked again to pick up a piece of fruit by climbing into a tree but he could not get down because Jack had carved sign of the cross into the tree’s bark. The result of this was that the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for another ten years.
Years later, Jack died but he was not allowed to enter heaven nor hell because the Devil kept his word. However, he sent Jack to Earth into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved turnip hand has been wandering since then. Later, he began to be known as ‘Jack of the Lantern’ or ‘Jack O’Lantern’.
Later, people began to put their own versions of the Jack-o’lanters to frighten away Jack and other spirits. When the Europeans arrived in the United States, they started using pumpkins, a fruit native to America, to carve their lamps (http://urbanext.illinois.edu/pumpkins/history.cfm) .
Nowadays people still carve pumpkins for Halloween but they use a variety of designs that do not necessarily resemble Jack O’Lantern. Take a look at this design!

 If you want to carve your own lantern, we recommend that you visit this site http://www.halloweenpumpkins.be/en/makeyourown.html.

 Then, we can see is the that the Simpsons decided to throw a Halloween party wearing costumes and preparing funny food in order to fit the Halloween traditions. Costumes are a very important trait in this celebration no matter the place it’s being celebrated. Did you know that the first use of costumes on a Halloween celebration was around 1895 in Scotland, and it wasn’t until 1900 when the USA and England joined the new tradition? 

We can usually see that costumes such as Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein, or witches are the most common in parties and on Halloween day but nowadays people have “lost” some of the Halloween magic and use the occasion to wear any kind of costumes like pirates, superheroes like Superman, Batman, Catwoman, nurses, princesses or even zombies. (http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-halloween-costumes-20121010-photos,0,7497664.photogallery?index=la-fi-mo-halloween-costumes-20121010-photos-009)

As all the Simpsons take turns telling some scary stories, comes one that talks about black magic, spells and… ZOMBIES! Let’s begin with black magic. Black magic had always existed by the tie people associated it with Halloween. Supposedly Halloween talks about the undead and how they can come to communicate with the living ones. For people it was so easy to link this to black magic and start thinking about spells and the appearance of ghosts. In this episode the main story talks about Bart finding a book of spells and reciting the one to relive their cat but instead they bring dead people back as zombies! Then he has to chant a spell to undo his little mistake. 

And talking about zombies… Have you noticed how they have become a new trend in society? If you are thinking about this costume for this coming Halloween here´s a make-up tutorial on zombie make up and you can find many other tutorials for your next Halloween: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xm5rq1_how-to-do-zombie-makeup_lifestyle#.Uaag0pyDDDM.

Well, that's all for now! See you next episode!

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